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Государство и бизнес: социально-экономическая ответственность в условиях глобализации. State and Business: Socio-Economic Responsibilityunder Conditions of Globalization: Материалы III Международной межвузовской научно-практической конференции

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Артикул: 626653.01.99
В сборнике представлены доклады магистрантов СПбГЭУ, Казанского федерального университета, Сибирского федерального университета, Иркутского государственного университета, Поволжского института управления имени П. А. Столыпина (филиал ФБГОУ ВПО РАНХиГС), ГБОУ ВПО МО «Финансово-технологическая академия» (г. Королев), Heilbronn University (Германия) и других вузов по актуальным проблемам и перспективам социально-экономического партнерства в различных сферах деятельности. Материалы межвузовской конференции представляют интерес для научных работников, аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов, а также специалистов в области экономики, финансов, менеджмента, маркетинга, коммерции, качества и логистики, туризма, социологии, государственного муниципального управления, лингвистики и юриспруденции.
Государство и бизнес: социально-экономическая ответственность в условиях глобализации. State and Business: Socio-Economic Responsibility under Conditions of Globalization: Материалы III Международной межвузовской научно-практической конференции студентов магистратуры. 23 апреля 2014 г. Секции 1-13 [Электронный ресурс] . - Санкт-Петербург : Изд-во СПбГЭУ, 2014. - 575 с. - ISBN 978-5-7310-3037-3. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/535404 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
III Международной межвузовской 
 научно-практической конференции 
студентов магистратуры 
 23 апреля 2014 г.   
Секции 1–13 

ББК 65.011 
Рекомендовано научно-методическим советом университета 
Государство и бизнес: социально-экономическая ответственность в  
Г72 условиях глобализации. State and Business: Socio-Economic Responsibility 
under Conditions of Globalization: Материалы III Международной межвузовской научно-практической конференции студентов магистратуры.  
23 апреля 2014 г. Секции 1–13. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭУ, 2014. – 575 с. 
ISBN 978-5-7310-3037-3 
В сборнике представлены доклады магистрантов СПбГЭУ, Казанского 
федерального университета, Сибирского федерального университета, Иркутского государственного университета, Поволжского института управления 
имени П. А. Столыпина (филиал ФБГОУ ВПО РАНХиГС), ГБОУ ВПО МО 
«Финансово-технологическая академия» (г. Королев), Heilbronn University 
(Германия) и других вузов по актуальным проблемам и перспективам социально-экономического партнерства в различных сферах деятельности. 
Материалы межвузовской конференции представляют интерес для научных 
работников, аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов, а также специалистов в области 
экономики, финансов, менеджмента, маркетинга, коммерции, качества и логистики, 
туризма, социологии, государственного муниципального управления, лингвистики и 
Collected artictes contain papers of master students from SPbSUE, KFU (Kazan), 
SFU (Krasnoyarsk), ISU (Irkutsk), Heilbronn University (Germany) and other universities 
about actual problems and perspectives socio-economic partnership in different areas. 
Papers from 3rd international master students conference «State and Business: SocioEconomic Responsibility under Conditions of Globalization» may be interest for students, 
postgraduates, and specialists in economics, finance, management, marketing, commerce, 
logistics, sociology, tourism, linguistics and jurisprudence. 
ББК 65.011 
Редакционная коллегия: 
д-р экон. наук, профессор И. А. Максимцев  
д-р экон. наук, профессор А. Е. Карлик  
канд. экон. наук, профессор Т. Г. Тумарова 
канд. экон. наук, профессор Н. М. Фомичева 
канд. экон. наук, доцент Н. С. Славецкая  
доктор социологических наук, профессор В. И. Сигов 
кандидат философских наук, доцент А. К. Бондарев  
ISBN 978-5-7310-3037-3 
© СПбГЭУ, 2014 

Оргкомитет III международной межвузовской научно-практической 
конференции студентов магистратуры «Государство и бизнес: социальноэкономическая ответственность в условиях глобализации» 
«State and Business: Socio-Economic Responsibility under Conditions of 
Globalization», проводимой в Санкт-Петербургском государственном экономическом университете (Институт Экономики) благодарит всех участников конференции и приславших свои доклады для публикации. 
Текст сборника докладов сформирован по секциям. Оргкомитет конференции желает всем участникам успехов в научных исследованиях, развития 
творческого потенциала и приглашает принять участие в следующей конференции в 2015 году. 
ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ – МАКСИМЦЕВ И.А., ректор СПбГЭУ, д-р экон. наук, 
ЗАМ. ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЯ – Карлик А.Е., проректор по научной работе и 
инновациям, д-р экон. наук, профессор 
ТУМАРОВА Т.Г. – директор Института магистратуры, канд. экон. наук, 
профессор – заместитель председателя 
ДОРОШЕНКО Н.Н. – начальник научно-методического отдела Института 
ФОМИЧЕВА Н.М. – ответственной за научную работу Института магистратуры, канд. экон. наук, профессор кафедры страхования 
СЛАВЕЦКАЯ Н.С. – канд. экон. наук, доцент кафедры международных 
экономических отношений 
КОВАЛЕВА А.С. – канд. социол. наук, доцент кафедры международного 
ДОБРОСЕРДОВА И.И. – руководитель академического направления 
канд. экон. наук, профессор 
СУЛЕЙМАНКАДИЕВА А.Э. – руководитель академического направления, д-р экон. наук, доцент 
УРЖУМЦЕВА Т.Б. – ст. преподаватель кафедры теории языка и переводоведения 
ПЕТРОВ А.С. – начальник управления информационных технологий;  
КРИВОНОСОВ И.А. – начальник управления информации и печати; 
МАКОСИЙ В.М. – главный редактор издательства; 
ТРЯПИЦЫНА А.А. – начальник отдела НИРС

Brakk Tatjana 
Heilbronn University, Heilbronn, Germany 
Master Thesis Program 
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuhrmann 
Indirect distribution implies further challenges on the CIS market for Deere & Company. Financial shortcomings, the lack of qualified staff and cultural differences shall be 
tackled in order to enhance dealer performance and to increase distribution density.  
Keywords: Indirect distribution, CIS, agricultural equipment, performance measurement, cultural differences 
In the course of the globalization process companies striving for growth 
need to enter new promising markets. The domestic market saturation and increased competition represent the main motivation for this trend. The American 
agricultural equipment manufacturer Deere & Company also pursues new outlet 
possibilities in emerging markets and has recognized great potential in the 
Commonwealth of Independent States («CIS») due to outdated agricultural 
technology from the Soviet era [1] and the rising demand for food effected by 
the ever-growing world population [2]. 
The heterogeneous and unfamiliar market environment in the CIS is creating new challenges for Deere & Company: American, Western European and 
local competitors maintain significant market share of the manufacturer. Within 
the distribution of John Deere products through contract dealers within the implementation of assisting tools there is a need for optimization. The lack of financial as well as human resources is prevalent in the CIS dealerships. Finally, 
culturally different individual behaviour and business conduct often leads to a 
lack of understanding, entailing unforeseen consequences for the business relationship to customers and dealers. 
In order to minimize the shortcomings Deere & Company is having in 
the Commonwealth of Independent States, first the current optimization approach of the manufacturer, the Dealer of Tomorrow strategy, was examined. 
Furthermore, through the situational analyses of this market an overall insight 
could be provided, which lead to the definition of concrete recommendations 
to the manufacturer. 

Offering products via a network of dealers worldwide enables Deere & 
Company to focus on its competitive advantage: production of premium agricultural equipment. Furthermore, the indirect distribution system allows the 
manufacturer to save capital, which would be needed for subsidiaries within a 
direct distribution system. It hands over the risks accompanying an internationalization strategy to self-employed and therefore motivated dealers. On the 
other hand Deere & Company has to face a greater need for optimized coordination within the distribution channel. The loss of control of the dealers’ performance and insufficient information regarding dealers and customer needs are 
further disadvantages accompanying this sales strategy. [3, p.67] 
In order to enhance channel excellence Deere & Company introduced the 
Dealer of Tomorrow strategy, which provides a range of supporting tools to the 
dealers. These tools, however, challenge the dealers in the Commonwealth of 
Independent States financially, as they are connected with additional expenses.  
Analyzing the situational environment external conditions, which influence the business of Deere & Company in this region, can be observed. 
Whereas steady economic growth promises substantial turnover realization in 
the future, corruption and trade barriers are obstacles within the expansion 
process. [4] 
In the context of the globalization process cross-cultural interactions increase and behavioral differences become obvious, possibly entailing misunderstanding. Cultural differences intensify the conflict of interests between the 
manufacturer and the dealers in this region. Aiming at describing and explaining cultural differences worldwide studies have been carried out. By means of 
these studies comparison of and with it consideration of differences in various 
countries is possible. 
Geert Hofstede’s cultural study of IBM-employees worldwide revealed 
understanding regarding the behavior of Russian employees: their willingness 
to tolerate authority of more powerful people (Power Distance) and their desire 
for rules in order to avoid unpredictable situations (Uncertainty Avoidance) are 
very high. Collectivist thinking and feminine values such as relationship and 
modesty are distinct in Russia. [5] 
The findings of the GLOBE study, which was carried out in 61 countries, provide important information with regards to the target-performance 
(here: value and practice) comparison. It becomes obvious that within Eastern European societies the practices match the values of the dimensions of 
Assertiveness (degree to enforce own intentions), Collectivism (organization 
or family) and Gender Egalitarianism (whether gender equality is given). It 
is, however, striking that the dimension Power Distance is supposed to be 
much lower whereas the dimensions Uncertainty Avoidance, Performance, 
Future and Humane Orientation should be more distinct than the current 
common practice (see figure 1).[6] 

Figure1. GLOBE 9 dimensions for the Eastern Europe cluster [6, p. 35] 
From figure 1 the observed behavior in business in Eastern Europe can be 
obtained. Comparing the findings with the other questioned countries it becomes obvious that the Eastern European countries are in the middle area when 
it comes to Performance Orientation, Assertiveness and Institutional Collectivism. Regarding the dimensions Future Orientation (lowest: 2.88 in Russia), 
Human Orientation (lowest: 3.18 in Germany) and Uncertainty Avoidance 
(lowest: 2.88 in Russia) this cluster is in the lower range. The Gender Egalitarianism (highest: 4.08 in Hungary), Power Distance (highest: 5.8 in Morocco) 
and In-Group Collectivism (highest: 6.36 in the Philippines) dimensions rank in 
the upper field of the questioned countries. 
Considering these findings in the daily business life may increase success 
of cross-cultural projects and businesses. Leadership or in this case coordination of the distribution channel can be done more efficiently if, whenever possible, the respective values of the dimensions are followed. 
In addition to the external environment, the competitive and the customer 
environment represent further external impacts for Deere & Company. Hence, 
the company’s opportunities and threats on the CIS market can be drawn from 
these analyses. With the John Deere dealer strategy (Dealer of Tomorrow) and 
the findings of the internal analysis the strengths and weaknesses of Deere & 
Company itself become obvious. Based on this SWOT-matrix recommenda
tions in order to minimize the company’s weaknesses are provided to better 
face possible threats in the CIS business. 
In order to get information on dealers’ performance it is useful to 
convince the dealers of providing data on performance metrics regarding the 
categories market, customer and operation (see figure 2). An optimized 
incentive system facilitates the installment of the performance measurement 
tools, from which both the manufacturer as well as the dealers can benefit.  

Figure 2. Performance Metrics [7] 
The acknowledgement of cultural differences in the Commonwealth of 
Independent States compared to the Western European and North American 
countries shall reduce missunderstanding. By considering the differences at tool 
implementations, at negotiations and when doing business in general mutual 
trust can be increased.  
Based on the provided information regarding the financial and 
performance situation an adapted expansion strategy can be set up and the 
requirements for dealers become more realistic. In case of poor performance 
timely actions to enhance dealers’ financial situation can be initiated.  
With regards to the employee fluctuation on the CIS dealerships the 
findings of the cultural studies can be used as well. In the sense of network 
thinking, which is prevalent in the CIS, Talent Relationship Management can 
be established. The main focus is on the retention of talented employees  
at the dealership. For key functions talents are identified even when there is 
no vacancy at the moment. The identified candidate becomes member of a 
talent pool and contact is kept by building a personal relationship and 
providing information material. The target is to sooner or later provide or 
even create a suitable job to the coveted candidate according to the 
qualifications. [8, p. 18 ff.] 


With the stated measures regarding cultural adaptation dealer satisfaction 
can be increased in the short term. However, further implementing performance 
measurement tools and doing business according to the performance of and 
information provided by the dealers enhances distribution density in the CIS or 
in this case the dealer network of Deere & Company in the long run.  
1. Zharmagambetova, Z. (2010, January 19). Commodity Intelligence Report: 
Kazakhstan Agricultural Overview. Retrieved February 6, 2013, from United States 
Department of Agriculture: www.pecad.fas.usda.gov/highlights/2010/01/kaz_19jan2010/ 
2. Scheer, R., & Moss, D. (2012, October 05). Will Human Population Growth Peak 
in the Late 21st Century? (Scientific American) Retrieved January 14, 2013, from 
3. Florenz, P. J. (1992). Konzept des vertikalen Marketing: Entwicklung am 
Beispiel der deutschen Automobilwirtschaft. Köln: Josef Eul Verlag GmbH. 
4. Schneider-Deters, W., Schulze, P. W., & Timmermann, H. (2008). Die 
Europäische Union, Russland und Eurasien: Die Rückkehr der Geopolitik. Berlin: Berliner 
Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH 
5. Vogel, T., & Kunze, T. (2011, November 30). Nach dem Ende der Sowjetunion: 
Von der Sowjetunion in die Unabhängigkeit. Retrieved January 12, 2013, from 
6. Hofstede, G., & Hofstede, G. J. (2005). Cultures and Organizations - Software of 
the Mind. New York: McGraw-Hill 
7. House, R. J., Hanges, P. J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., & Gupta, V. (2004). 
Culture, Leadership, and Organizations - The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. Thousand 
Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. 
8. Deere & Company - (2011, June). Presentation: Dealer of Tomorrow. 
9. Trost, A. (2012). Talent Relationship Management - Personalgewinnung in Zeiten 
des Fachkräftemangels. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin. 
Anna Sophie Bröll  
Heilbronn University, Germany  
Master of International Tourism Management  
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna Hayduk  
This article illustrates reasons for the use of mediation in business, its aims, how it 
works, where it can be applied in business and which benefits it brings to companies and its 
employees. A special focus is put on the application of mediation in Germany highlighting 

its social and legal situation, education & training and accreditation, its organizations and 
institutes and related costs.  
Keywords: mediation, mediator, application in business, joint problem solving, dispute resolution, ADR, conflict resolution, win-win solution, Germany.  
If conflicts in business are not handed well, the climate changes for the 
worse which includes lower mutual respect, negative emotions, tension, lack of 
tolerance, autocracy intensification in management, high labor turnover etc. The 
staffs interaction, innovativeness and creativity declines. This brings large financial, material, time and emotional costs and causes organizational inefficiency. To manage conflicts and turn them into a positive meaning, mediation 
can be applied [1, p.13].  
The aim of mediation in business is to resolve a conflict by providing a 
win-win solution. Mediation is one of the alter-native method of conflict resolution or alternative dispute resolution (ADR) because - different from the adjudicative methods - the two parties have the control over the outcome instead of 
being imposed a solution. A third party - the mediator - guides the disputants to 
reach a mutually agreed solution [2, p.56].  
The mediator has to be impartial so that he/she is able to gain the confidence and trust of all parties. Its main tasks are in the first place to set the agenda and rules, to open communication channels and in the whole to coordinate 
the meetings. At the beginning of the mediation process, the mediator gathers 
information, identifies obstacles and helps the parties to identify and understand 
their interests. While doing so, the mediator creates a cease-fire between the 
disputants, reframes the par-ties’ views in softer terms, summarizes what was 
said and asks open-ended questions to support the solution-finding process. 
Later, through uncovering underlying interests, the mediator supports the parties in brainstorming creative options and evaluating alternatives so that they 
find their own solutions based on mutual understanding [3, p.23f; 4, p.8].  
Literature distinguishes two different applications of mediation in business: 
Mediation between and within organizations. Conflicts between organizations 
arise between all companies who are in relationship to each other. For example, 
power and competence issues after a merger & acquisition can cause a conflict between two companies. Conflicts within organizations include disagreements between shareholders, the negotiation process of regulations between the work council and entrepreneurs in the phase of restructuring, questions of power and competences between employees of the same hierarchy and between employees and their 
supervisors [5, p.1].  
Mediation in business brings the following benefits for companies and 
employees [3, p.24ff; 5, p.2]:  
The mediator can adapt the process to the needs of the parties for example 
concerning the choice over the location, the time frame, the people who partici
pate, etc. Also the mediator can meet with each party in separate and private 
caucus to under-stand their underlying interests.  
The parties can present their arguments in an informal manner; they are 
not obliged to take part in procedures of a legal sys-tem. The parties also have 
the ability to express their feelings and emotions, not only facts.  
The mediator cannot give any information from any party to the other or 
to anyone else without permission. Therefore, everything said is “off the 
record” so neither the public nor the press are informed.  
Mediation aims at reaching an agreement, but if the parties cannot come 
to a satisfying outcome, they are free to use an-other dispute resolution method, 
for example they can go to court or to an arbitrator.  
Mediation is generally not only faster than the judicial process, but also 
less costly, so it saves on resources like time, money, and energy.  
Mediation has a special advantage when the parties have ongoing relations that must continue after the conflict is managed. Mediation preserves and 
potentially improves relationships between the parties because they gain understanding of each other’s interests, motives, needs and values.  
As the parties control the result and mutually agree on it, compliance with 
the mediated agreement is usually very high.  
As conflicts are constructive if handled well, mediation in business is not 
only meant to solve one single dispute, but to enhance communication in the 
company. Therefore, mediation pushes towards positive change and development. 
The mediation application in business in Germany arose in the eighties then 
politicians tried to use US American mediation methods in Germany. They 
oriented their efforts on the Harvard method which was developed by William Ury 
and Roger Fischer [6]. However, these mediations failed mainly because they 
were too theory oriented and developed for the American society which is very 
different from the German one in terms of laws, discussion culture etc [7, p.19].  
In the second phase in the midst of the nineties the mediation methods 
were adapted to the German society. Dirk Meuer und Markus Troja registered 
86 public mediations between 1996 and 2002. The largest and most complex 
mediation was about the airport in Frankfurt which is often seen as a milestone 
for successful mediation in Germany [7, p.20].